Lean - Straumlínustjórnun, Mannauðsstjórnun, Stefnumótun og árangursmat, Gæðastjórnun og ISO staðlar, Heilsueflandi vinnuumhverfi, Markþjálfun, Verkefnastjórnun, Breytingastjórnun, Stjórnun viðskiptaferla (BPM), Framtíðarfræði, Loftslags- og umhverfismál, Leiðtogafærni, Gervigreind,
Faghópur markþjálfunar vill vekja athygli á Markþjálfunardeginum og vinnustofum 2025
8. febrúar 2025: Vinnustofa með Paul Boehnke kl. 9-17 í Opna háskólanum í HR
From Adversary to Ally: A workshop
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Um Paul Boehnke:
My holistic approach to coaching takes our entire being into consideration: our minds, bodies, emotions and spirit. Each of these aspects has important roles to play in our lives. But when we rely on one at the expense of another, we get out of balance and become disconnected from our values, purpose and mission in life.
The Thoughts On Demand™ method not only teaches you what you need to do to reprogram your thoughts and how to do it, but also uncovers the beliefs you hold about yourself and why you do what you do. It’s these last two that make the difference between temporary and lasting change.
You’ll learn:
• What to do when your critical voice shows up.
• To recognize the lies it tells and why you believe them.
• How to alleviate the suffering caused by negative self-talk.
• How to create thoughts that support you.
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