Gerd Leonhard og fleiri eru að standa fyrir stafræni ráðstefnu (á netinu), fimmtudaginn 26 mars nk. undir heitinu The Future of Business - the next 10 years. Ráðstefnan verður send út í gegnum Zoom. Skráning er nauðsynleg (Zoom direct sign-up is here). Þátttaka er gjaldfrjáls. Hefst kl. 5 á íslenskum tíma en 6 eftir hádegið CET.
Ég þekki ágætlega til Gerd. Hann er áhugaverður framtíðarfræðingur og hefur meðal annars gefið út bókina Technology Vs. Humanity.
Þekking og fræðsla á óvissu tímum. Njótið, Karl Friðriksson
Skoðið vefinn með því að smella á heiti ráðstefnunnar eða farið inn á þessa vefslóð:
Hér er einnig kynningartexti frá þeim sem standa að ráðstefnunni:
March 26, 6pm CET : FREE Digital Conference with Futurists Anton Musgrave, Gerd Leonhard, Liselotte Lygnso, KD Adamson: The Future of Business
Danish futurist Liselotte Lygnso has just been added as guest-speaker, see for more details on Liselotte. Blue Futurist' KD Adamson will join us as well see The latest updates will be shared here:
We are living in an age of perpetual VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) - and given that we are also moving at exponential pace, FORESIGHT is now mission-critical. Being 'future-ready' is everyone's job now, and it requires more than good data, sharp analysis and domain expertise. To 'have a get feel' for what's coming is probably more of an art than a science - imagination and intuition are just as important as experience and knowledge: EQ AND IQ.
Hence, this session will focus on what we call PRACTICAL WISDOM, i.e. we will share our insights and foresights about the next decade and apply them to the here and now. We will present for 15 minutes each, and then take questions and have live discussions with the audience.
We will talk about the 10 Game-Changers impacting every business in the near future, and the Megashifts see focussing on near future scenarios and 'practical wisdoms'. Have a look at and for more Details on what we do.
More details will be published on soon!
Please note that this is a FREE event, for now, as we are trying out new ideas and concepts. This may change in the future.