Mannauðsstjórnun, Heilsueflandi vinnuumhverfi, Markþjálfun, Leiðtogafærni,
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Faghópur markþjálfunar býður upp á vefnámskeið (Zoom) með Dr. Tünde Erdös þar sem hugtakið nærvera (Presence) verður rýnt, meðal annars út frá því hvernig við getum notað nærveru til að skapa betri sambönd, ná betri árangri og eiga í betri samskiptum. Nánari lýsing á námskeiðinu er hér fyrir neðan á ensku frá Dr. Tünde.
Athugið að námskeiðið sjálft verður á ensku.
Þau sem taka þátt í námskeiðinu bjóðast aðgangur að lokuðum facebook-hóp þar sem Dr. Tünde Erdös mun taka þátt í samtali með okkur um nærveru og deila efni þessu tengdu og fer það samtal fram áður en námskeiðið er haldið í febrúar. Þátttaka í þessu samtali og samfélagi mun gefa okkur aukið virði þegar það kemur að sjálfu námskeiðinu. Hér er hægt að óska eftir aðgangi í hópi “hlekkur á facebook-hóp”.
Frekari upplýsingar hér á ensku:
Based on my credo, I’m delighted to deliver a MasterClass for you to explore a key theme that helps us serve better relationships, better results, and better interactions:
Presence: The importance of nonverbal dynamics in every-day interactions
What’s happening in our world?
83% of leaders drown in over-commitments, the issue being that:
- Priority issues erode attention,
- Double risk of shallow work vs. deep work
-Double risk of low contribution vs high contribution
(Hack Future Lab, 2021)
Why is presence the right approach to solve these issues?
It’s because meaningful decisions are born in the space of presence. And leadership is a lot about making meaningful decisions and taking choices that help rather than harm. Those decisions and choices help leaders ask powerful questions, the way they do in coaching.
Latest research shows that presence is about mastering somatic responsiveness in our interactions. And somatic responsiveness is not lodged in the mind. It’s lodged in the body, which is the cradle of our five senses. As such it’s the most reliable instrument that can tell how we’re doing and how we’re performing any given moment.
Priority issues, disengagement, lack of focus, shallow work and overwhelm are all about a lot of loss: losing out on being productive, losing money and time, missing out on having effective relationships, and losing out on your own capacity to have a fulfilled life at work and beyond.
Because we human beings tend to have a default setting about everything - money, love, relationships, work -, we are unaware of the scope of choices we have as we disown aspects of ourselves, among other things, our five senses. This disowning limits our potential.
In our MasterClass, we will explore, reflect and jointly make meaning of the somatic nature of presence as a growth and performance intervention. We will create space for
a) leaving our own default state of presence that feels most comfortable,
b) reflecting the consequences of our presence-less-ness in our comfort zone.
You will take away deeper understanding around
- why presence is relevant in your leadership,
- what you can learn from coaching presence for better relationships, better results, and better interactions.
Tünde Erdös, PhD, MSc Executive Coach ICF MCC, EMCC Senior Practitioner 1st degree connection
NOTE: if you are going to join this event we ask you to be a part of this group here:https://www.facebook.com/groups/5552106184826942