Á netinu
Mannauðsstjórnun, Góðir stjórnarhættir , Framtíðarfræði,
„Mikilvægar umbreytingar og sviðsmyndir.“/Horizon 2025 - Critical Shifts and Scenarios.
Hverjir eru mikilvægustu drifkraftarnir sem móta næstu árin og hvaða sviðsmyndir gætu komið upp þegar þessir kraftar samþættast eða rekast á?
Um er að ræða samstarfsverkefni Faghóps framtíðarfræða hjá Stjórnvísi, Framtíðarseturs Íslands, Fast Future í Bretlandi og samstarfsvettvang framtíðarfræðinga Milliennium Project.
Erindið er eitt af fimm erindum sem boðið er upp á í febrúar. Gjaldfrjáls. Nauðsynlegt er að skrá þátttöku. Nóg er að skrá sig einu sinni. Við skránngu birtist Zoom slóð. Skráningin er á https://fastfuture.com/events/
Frekari upplýsingar veitir Karl Friðriksson, karlf@framtidarsetur.is og Sævar Kristinsson, skristinsson@kpmg.is
Hin erindin eru kynnt sérstaklega sem sjálfstæðir viðburðir á vefsvæði Stjórnvísi, en um er að ræða eftirfarandi erindi:
February 10th, 2022 - Crypto and Blockchain - Hype or Foundations for an Economic Revolution?
This session will introduce the core components of the crypto economy, the core issues and opportunities, and its potential to transform individual lives, business, government, and society.
Rohit’s guest - sharing his perspectives on the topic - will be Kapil Gupta - a technology and crypto analyst, commentator, enthusiast, and investor and the founder of Nibana Life.
February 17th, 2022 - Exponential Technologies - a Ten Year Perspective
Drawing on a ten year deep dive of over 400 technologies, this session will examine how technologies such as AI, blockchain, computing platforms, and communications architectures might evolve and the transformational opportunities they could enable.
February 24th, 2022 - Cities of the Future - Pathways to 360 Degree Sustainability
The session will provide an exploration of proven practices and powerful new ideas on how to ensure a sustainable future for our cities from community, health, education, and environment through to economy, infrastructure, business, and employment.
Kynning á Rohit Talwar
Rohit Talwar is a global futurist who focuses on the intersection between society, economy, business, and emerging technologies and how they could impact our lives, society, the environment, and government. His latest book Aftershocks and Opportunities 2 provides a deep dive into emerging shifts, opportunities, and risks; the evolving geopolitical, economic, and societal landscape; the crypto economy; and over 400 technologies that could come to market in the next decade. His report on the future of the crypto economy for corporates and individuals will be published in February 2022.
Sértæk kynning á rannsóknaniðurstöðum um framtíð dulritunarhagkerfisins
February 15th, 2022 - The Future of the Crypto Economy – Presentation of Research Findings
18.30-19.30 UK / GMT (19.30-23.00 CEST / 13.30-14.30 EST)
In the third of three sessions on the future of the crypto economy, delivered in partnership with Fire on the Hill and Future Industries Australia, Rohit Talwar and Kapil Gupta will present and discuss the results of our Future in Focus study, covering our key findings on current and planned crypto holdings by individuals and corporates, attractions and barriers to adoption, future individual and corporate investment strategies and preferred asset classes, broader blockchain adoption strategies, attractions and drawbacks of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), and countries’ use of crypto as legal tender.