Á netinu Á netinu
Mannauðsstjórnun, ÖÖ: óvirkur: Nýsköpun og sköpunargleði, Markþjálfun, ÖÖ: óvirkur: Opinber stjórnsýsla, Framtíðarfræði,
“COVID-19, Artificial Intelligence, and the Future of Work. A Swedish and Icelandic dialogue”
You are invited to an online seminar aiming to initiate a Nordic discussion regarding the future of work, organized by the Swedish Institute for Futures Studies, the Icelandic Centre for Innovation, the Icelandic Centre for Future Studies, and the Swedish Embassy in Iceland.
Date and time: Friday, 12th of June at 13.00-14.30 (Swedish time) / 11.00-12.30 (Icelandic time)
Place: IFFS Virtual Meeting Room. Join by going to https://my.meetings.vc/meet/90516535
Even before the COVID-19 pandemic struck the world, several trends indicated that we are on the threshold to a new world of work. Rapid technological change such as the increasing powers of artificial intelligence and automation, are likely to transform and replace both blue- and white-collar jobs. The new technology also enables a fast-growing gig-economy and a radically different relationship between employer and employees. These trends have been catalyzed by the pandemic. Working from home is the new norm for many and it is uncertain what the physical workplace will look like after the pandemic.
What are the potentials and risks when technology transforms work? What kinds of work do we want to promote in the post-pandemic world? How will the workplace and the relation between employers and employees change? Please join us and representatives from civil society, government, business, and research, in discussing some of these issues.
The seminar will begin with introductions from Swedish and Icelandic experts on these issues. After the introductions, all participants are welcome to join the discussion, which will be moderated by the CEO of the Swedish Institute for Futures Studies, Gustaf Arrhenius. Our hope is that the seminar will mark the start of a new Nordic dialogue, and enable mutual exchange of ideas and knowledge.
Introductory speakers:
Moa Bursell is a sociologist at the Swedish Institute for Futures Studies and Stockholm University. Her current research studies implicit prejudice, ethnic inclusion, exclusion and boundary making in the labor market and in welfare services. She will talk about the effects of businesses implementing artificial intelligence in their recruitment process.
Tryggvi Brian Thayer works as a researcher in the School of Education at the University of Iceland. He will talk about his area of expertise, concerning the challenges for education raised by technological and social change, in connection to different megatrends.
Karim Jebari is a philosopher at the Swedish Institute for Futures Studies. He specializes in how we should relate to the risks and opportunities of technological innovation. He will talk about the current hype around artificial intelligence, and the way it hides that many problems the technology is supposed to solve are not problems at all.
Sævar Kristinsson is a managing consultant at KPMG, and works with the Icelandic Centre for Futures Studies. He will talk about how COVID-19 and future trends impact the strategies of companies and organizations.