Mannauðsstjórnun, Fjölbreytileiki og inngilding,
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Guðrún Hildur Ragnarsdóttir starfar hjá Controlant og hefur áður setið sem Framkvæmdastjóri Rekstrarsviðs hjá Guide to Iceland, Framkvæmdastjóri Beam EMEA hjá Expedia Group. Hjá Expedia leiddi Guðrún teymi sem bar ábyrgð á mótun BEAM (Black Expedia Allied Movement) stefnunnar ásamt innleiðingu og aðhaldi, en stefnan heyrir undir Inclusion & Diversity. Í erindinu mun Guðrún segja frá mikilvægi þess að vera með inngildingarstefnu og áhrif sem slík stefna hefur fyrir fyrirtæki og þeirra starfsmannamenningu sem og ytri áhrif. Einnig mun hún koma inn á þá Inclusion & Diversity vegferð sem Controlant er að fara í. Guðrún sem hefur starfað lengi erlendis, mun fara yfir meginmun á inngildingarstefnum á Íslandi vs Bandaríkin.
Markmið erindisins er að hvetja stjórnendur til umhugsunar og fá hugmyndir um hvernig árangsrík inngildingarstefna getur ávaxtað fyrirtækið á mörgum sviðum.
Inclusion and Diversity can enhance organisation's growth, but only if it's followed through
Guðrún Hildur Ragnarsdóttir works at Controlant, and has held positions as COO at Guide to Iceland and served as a President for BEAM in EMEA at Expedia Group. As president at Expedia, Guðrún led a team that was responsible for enhancing the structure and policy around BEAM (Black Expedia Allied Movement), implementing it and maintaining it, BEAM sits right under I&D. During this session, Guðrún will go over the importance of having an I&D policy and the positive impact it can have for the organisation, their culture and public appearance. In relation to that, Guðrún will briefly go over Controlant's journey in implementing I&D. Guðrún, who has worked abroad for many years, will also talk about the main difference with I&D policies in Iceland vs USA.
The goal with this session is to inspire top management on how to manage the impact of I&D policy and get ideas of how it can be successfully implemented so it can enhance the organisation's growth.