KPMG - 8 hæð Borgartún 27, Reykjavík
Fyrirlesari: Guy Yeoman
Virði þess að hugsa lengra fram í tímann – Ertu að huga að framtíðinni?
Ensk fyrirsögn á erindinu er: The value of long-term thinking - are you thinking about the future?
Aðeins um Guy Yeoman
Prior to moving into the futures field Guy spent over a decade working in the emerging online and internet sector across a variety of enterprises, from small scale start-ups, through professional service firms to international investment banks, undertaking roles across production management, global service development and strategy.
Since 2009, Guy has undertaken futures work across a number of sectors including consulting assignments for the European Commission and UK government departments, international conferences, charitable foundations, third sector membership organisations, creativity and innovation companies, humanitarian academic programmes, university departments, design studios and also on behalf of other commercial futures advisory consultancies.
Guy is involved with ongoing futures research projects across a number of specific domains of interest, including the Arctic and disasters and risk and has extensive experience developing and building international partnerships and collaborations around futures projects including working with University institutes and departments, commercial consulting and innovation organisations and a variety of other individual strategic foresight professionals.