Íslensk erfaðgreining Sturlugata 8, Reykjavík
Samfélagið og stjórnun. Er öldrun tækifæri eða kvöð?
Sviðsmyndir öldrunar 2020 -2040
- Hvaða forsendur liggja á bak við „jákvæða eða neikvæða þróun“ öldrunar? Verður þróunin út frá raunveruleikanum í dag, eða mun „öldrun verður stöðvuð?“
- Tækifæri fyrir atvinnulífið og áhrif öldrunar á fyrirtæki og stofnanir.
- Atriði sem hafa áhrif á líkindi ólíkra sviðsmynda – framtíða.
- Hagrænar rökfærslur: Þrep sem unnið er að – Langlífi/ávinningur.
- Samfélagslegar rökfærslur: Líf án öldrunar.
- Hvernig er hægt að takast á við umbreytingar sem eru handan morgundagsins?
Fyrirlesari David Wood, framtíðarfræðingur, London Futurists
David Wood, D.Sc., was one of the pioneers of the smartphone industry, and is now a renowned futurist commentator.
David spent 25 years envisioning, architecting, designing, implementing, and avidly using smart mobile devices. He co-founded Symbian, the creator of the world’s first successful smartphone operating system, and served on the leadership teams of Psion Software and Symbian from 1996-2009. At different times, his executive responsibilities included software development, technical consulting, developer evangelism, partnering and ecosystem management, and research and innovation. His software for UI frameworks and application architecture has been included on 500 million smartphones from companies such as Nokia, Motorola, Sony Ericsson, Sharp, Fujitsu, and Samsung.
From 2010 to 2013, David was Technology Planning Lead (CTO) of Accenture Mobility. He also co-led Accenture’s “Mobility Health” business initiative. He now acts as independent futurist, consultant, and writer, at Delta Wisdom.
As chair of London Futurists, David has organized regular meetings in London since March 2008 on futurist and technoprogressive topics. Membership of London Futurists now exceeds 3,800.
David was lead editor of the volume “Anticipating 2025: A guide to the radical changes that may lie ahead, whether or not we’re ready”, published in June 2014. His own book “Smartphones and beyond: lessons from the remarkable rise and fall of Symbian” was published in September 2014, and has been described as “One of the most candid and revealing books a technology executive has ever written”. His most recent book is “Envisioning Politics 2.0: How AIs, cyborgs, and transhumanism can enhance democracy and improve society”.
David has a triple first class mathematics degree from Cambridge, and undertook doctoral research in the Philosophy of Science. In 2009 he was included in T3’s list of “100 most influential people in technology”. He has been a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA) in London since 2005, and a Fellow of the IEET (Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies) since January 2015.