Næstkomandi mánudag, 21 ágúst kl 15:00 mun Gert Leonhard kynna nýtt myndband, Líttu up, gervigreind á krossgötum (LookUpNow). Eftir myndbandið er hægt að fylgjast með og taka þátt í umræðu um myndbandi og þróun gervigreindar. Hér á eftir kemur tilkynningin frá Gerd og þær vefslóðir sem nauðsynlegt er að fara inn á til að upplifa efnistökin og taka þátt. Góða skemmtun.
Greetings fellow futurists, speakers, thinkers, researchers, colleagues and friends
On Monday August 21st at 5pm CET, 4pm UK, 11 am EST, 8am PST, 7pm Dubai, 8.30 pm India... my new film LookUpNow will premiere on Youtube: https://youtu.be/mEr9MDyMfKc (this URL is showing the trailer right now, but will change to livestream the entire film on Monday at 5pm). We will watch the film together and answer questions via YT as well as on LinkedIn (just click to sign up). The film is 24 minutes long, and afterwards we will be switching to Zoom for a live discussion and debate - it would be great to have many of you there as well - feel free to sign up at https://www.futuristgerd.com/LuNZoom (registration is required for this Zoom event). This is an invite-only session that will also livestream on YT.
Thanks for your kind attention and I look forward to seeing you there!