Dagur framtíðarrýnis þjóða innan OECD – 25 apríl næstkomandi

Um 58 erindi verða flutt, um ólíkar framtíðaráskoranir, á ólíkum sviðum. Markmið ráðstefnunnar er að auka getu þjóða til að takast á við ólíka drifkrafta samfélaga. Skapa sameiginlegan skilning á viðfangsefnum. Auka skilvirkni við stefnumótun, nýsköpun og efla tengslamyndun. Hér að neðan er drög að bráðabirgðadagskrá, nokkuð ruglingslega sett uðð en þau ykkar sem hafa áhuga geta skráð sig á vefslóð hér að neðan. Með því fáið þið uppfærða dagskrá þegar nær dregur.

Þátttakan er gjaldfrjáls. Skráið ykkur hér Meeting Registration - Zoom

Virtual OECD Government Foresight Community Day


1. Opening session

9.00 – 9.15 CET | PLENARY

Introduction and opening remarks

• Rafał Kierzenkowski, Senior Counsellor for Strategic Foresight, Head of the Strategic Foresight

Unit, OECD

2. Community Exchange

Presentations of findings from recent foresight work, thematic mini-workshops, or opportunities to

share and seek feedback on current plans and priorities for the future.

Introduction to the session. Rafał Kierzenkowski, Senior Counsellor for Strategic Foresight, Head of

the Strategic Foresight Unit, OECD

2.1 Session 1, wave 1


• Co-Creating value-driven visions of preferred futures: The NISTEP 12th Science and

Technology Foresight Survey. Asako Okamura, Japan’s National Institute of Science and

Technology Policy (NISTEP)

• Exploring the social implications of generative AI through scenarios. Hao Guang Tse, Prime’s

Minister Office, Singapore

• Using aspirational foresight to determine development priorities in Laos. Jan Rielaender,

Country Diagnostics Unit, OECD Development Centre, OECD

• Scenarios of Poland’s development in the national development concept 2050. Karol

Wasilewski and Kacper Nosarzewski, The Futures Literacy Company - 4CF

• Using narrative foresight to depict today's economy from a future standpoint: What if

alternate stories were told? Eeva Hellström, Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra

• Africa’s energy transition to 2050. Jakkie Cilliers, head of African Futures & Innovation,

Institute for Security Studies, Pretoria, South Africa

• Scottish Government Foresight Programme: Analysing Scotland’s key trends, opportunities

and risks 2024-2044. Kirsty McWhinnie, Scottish Government

• Encourager la culture de l’anticipation et de la prospective dans le monde islamique. Kais

Hammami, Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - ICESCO (French

speaking breakout group)

• APEC STI strategic foresight. Surachai Sathitkunarat, APEC Center for Technology Foresight

Virtual OECD Government Foresight Community Day

2.2 Session 1, wave 2


• Exploring the World Organisation for Animal Health’s future(s): Participatory foresight

project insights and scenarios. Tianna Brand, World Organisation for Animal Health’s (WOAH)

and Wendy Schultz, Jigsaw Foresight

• Vidas in 2050: Shaping policies for future generations. Luis Díez Catalán, Foresight and

Strategy Office of the Spanish Government

• Who will pay taxes? Taskeen Ali, His Majesty's (HM) Revenue and Customs-HMRC, UK


• Global Trends to 2040: Choosing Europe’s Future. European Strategy and Policy Analysis

System-ESPAS (Presenter to be confirmed)

• Ukraine Scenarios project. Dr. Olaf Theiler, German Bundeswehr

• Use of strategic foresight as a means to better anticipate and manage emerging critical

risks. Jack Radisch, Directorate for Public Governance, OECD

• Integrating foresight into the government’s policy-making process. Tan Shu Ying, Mohd

Nurul Azammi Mohd Nudri and Azmil Mohd Amin, Malaysian Industry-Government Group for

High Technology (MIGHT)

• The global driver of change for higher education: The results of two years of study. Chris

Luebkeman, ETH Zurich

• Digital transformation for a sustainable future – anticipating and mitigating potential

rebound effects systemically. Ullrich Lorenz, Systemic Futures, Germany

10.45 – 11.00 CET | BREAK

2. Foresight Essentials & Methods

Introductory sessions outlining core definitions, methods, and tools for participants in the early stages

of strategic foresight practice in government.

Introduction to the session. Rafał Kierzenkowski, Senior Counsellor for Strategic Foresight, Head of

the Strategic Foresight Unit, OECD

2.1 Round 1

11.00 – 11. 45 CET | BREAKOUT SESSIONS

• Government Office for Science: New Futures Toolkit. UK Government Office for Science

(Presenter to be confirmed)

• Strategic foresight as a capability. Sensing, making sense, and using the futures for

government. Gabriele Rizzo, United States Space Force

• Systems thinking, turbulence, and paths to adaptive action. Tianna Brand, World

Organisation for Animal Health’s (WOAH) and Wendy Schultz, Jigsaw Foresight

Virtual OECD Government Foresight Community Day

• Dealing with deep uncertainty. Ed Dammers, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment


• Lessons learned in mainstreaming foresight at institutional and think tank level. Ricardo

Borges de Castro, European Policy Centre

• Framing complex domains for foresight analysis. Marius Oosthuizen, Dubai Future Academy,

Dubai Future Foundation

2.2 Round 2


• Shapeshifting foresight. Taskeen Ali, His Majesty's (HM) Revenue and Customs-HMRC, UK


• Horizon scanning for policy making – with examples from the German Federal Environment

Agency. Sylvia Veenhoff and Katrin Kowalczyk, German Environment Agency and Federal

Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection

• Measuring the impact of foresight. Catherine Day, UK Cabinet Office

• Why do participatory futures matter? An introduction to participatory practices and their

potential in government foresight. Jéssica Leite dos Santos, Brazilian Naval War College

• Structured forecasting using Delphi – harnessing collective wisdom. Hannah Littler, UK

Environment Agency

• Building scenarios by using the method of Future States. Zsolt Pataki, European Parliament

12.30 – 13.30 CET | BREAK

3. Horizon Scanning Session: What keeps you awake at night?

Horizon scanning session dedicated to emerging signals, disruptions, and concerns being identified by

the foresight community that should be closely followed by policymakers.

13.30 – 14.00 CET | PLENARY

• Introduction to the session. Rafał Kierzenkowski, Senior Counsellor for Strategic Foresight,

Head of the Strategic Foresight Unit, OECD

• 5-minutes pitch by each facilitator


• Geoeconomic fragmentation

Facilitated by: Paul Woods, Central Bank of Ireland

• The danger of fractured realities

Facilitated by: Jorg Körner, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Virtual OECD Government Foresight Community Day

• Backlash against green political action

Facilitated by: Grzegorz Drozd, European Commission

• From severe storms to severe responses: Climate, insurance and geoengineering solutions

Facilitated by: Trish Lavery, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Australian


• The convergence of generative AI and synthetic biology

Facilitated by: Jean-Marc Rickli, Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP)

• Grey rhino or grey power – the convergence of ageing and reduced births?

Facilitated by: Mark Robinson, Australian Taxation Office

4. Preparing for the UN Summit of the Future

14.30 – 15.30 CET | PLENARY

The UN Summit of the Future in September 2024 is pivotal for building global momentum behind long[1]term governance and foresight in policymaking.

• Presentation from the UN Futures Lab Network followed by interactive discussion

15.30 – 16.00 CET | BREAK

5. Community Exchange

Presentations of findings from recent foresight work, thematic mini-workshops, or opportunities to

share and seek feedback on current plans and priorities for the future.

Introduction to the session. Rafał Kierzenkowski, Senior Counsellor for Strategic Foresight, Head of

the Strategic Foresight Unit, OECD

5.1 Session 2, wave 1


• Developing capacity in public sector foresight: Exploring nine essential competencies for

effective government futuring. Zan Chandler, Policy Horizons Canada

• New GOScience foresight project on global supply chains. Jack Snape, UK Government Office

for Science

• Territorial Outlook on tour. Ed Dammers, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency

• Global Trends 2045: The precipice of transformation change, or more of the same? Steve

Scharre, U.S. ODNI/NIC Strategic Futures Group

• Learn how horizon scanning can help shape EU policy and discuss recent signals of change.

Maciej Krzysztofowicz and Maija Knutti, EU Policy Lab

• Establishing and embedding strategic foresight in central banking. Paul Woods, Central Bank

of Ireland

Virtual OECD Government Foresight Community Day

• Embedding strategic foresight with a multi-level perspective. Peter de Smedt, Government

of Flanders

• Fit for future: Trade unions’ experiences with strategic foresight. Rafael Peels, Bureau for

Workers’ Activities, International Labour Organisation

5.1 Session 2, wave 1


• Governing Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) could be the most complex and difficult

problem humanity has ever faced. How can we do it? Jerome Glenn, The Millennium Project

• Spotting annual patterns in data, whole-government horizon scanning, and preparing for

elections. James Ancell, Harry Hand, Rachel Joiner and Eduarda Giffoni, UK Cabinet Office

• Space futures with the US Space Force and European Parliament. Gabriele Rizzo and Zsolt

Pataki, United States Space Force and European Parliament

• The AI Generation: Exploring the potential impacts of AI on youth. Martin Berry, Policy

Horizons Canada

• Showcasing the Welsh approach to futures through the Well-being of Future Generations

Act, with examples of practical tools and case studies. Marie Brousseau-Navarro and

Petranka Malcheva, Office of the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales

• 2023 EU Strategic Foresight Report: how & what? Kathrine Jensen and Daniel Torrecilla

Fernandez, European Commission

• Out of the box participative foresight in defence. Capt. (R) Claudio Correa, visiting researcher

Universidade Lusófona and Jéssica Leite, Visiting researcher King's College London

• Transformations in the future of public employment: From white collar to digital collar.

Gustavo Edgardo Blutman, Public Administration Research Center - School of Economics -

Buenos Aires University

• Fostering a desired future for the Ecuador-Peru border integration zone: The role of

academia in shaping tomorrow’s landscape. Kevin Jimenez, Universidad Nacional de Loja

Staðsetning viðburðar

Tengdir viðburðir

Transhumanism: Future scenarios, with Max More

Hver er betri til að fjalla um hugsanlegri framtíð transhúmanisma en sá sem almennt er talinn vera upphafsmaður nútíma transhumanisma, Max More?

Max mun á þessari málstofu London Futurist, sem verður á netinu, ræða um þær sviðsmyndir (framtíðir) sem hugsanlega fela í sér transhumanisma, þær líklegustu eða eftirsóknarverðustu. Max gaf þessa skilgreiningu á hugtakinu árið 1990: „Transhumanismi er flokkur lífsspeki sem leitast við að halda áfram og hraða þróun vitsmunalífs umfram núverandi mannlega mynd og mannlegar takmarkanir með vísindum og tækni."

Skráning og nánar upplýsingar eru á eftirfarandi vefslóð: Transhumanism: Future scenarios, with Max More, Sat, Mar 15, 2025, 4:00 PM | Meetup

Eldri viðburðir

Hefur gervigreind áhrif á notkun gereyðingarvopna?

Notið eftirfarandi vefslóð: Teams fundarboð

Viðburðurinn mun fjalla um möguleg áhrif gervigreindar á gereyðingarvopn, bæði þá áhættu og þau tækifæri sem tæknin hefur í för með sér. Farið verður yfir hugsanlegar hættur þegar kemur að sjálfstæðum vopnakerfum, aðstoð við ákvarðanatöku og misnotkun tækninnar. Sérstök áhersla verður lögð á kjarnorkuvopn, efnavopn og sjálfvirk vopn. Í umræðu með þátttakendum skoðum við siðferðileg sjónarmið, þörfina fyrir regluverk og og mikilvægi alþjóðlegrar samvinnu.

Fyrirlesarinn Kolfinna Tómasdóttir er sérfræðingur í alþjóðateymi rannsókna- og nýsköpunarsviðs Rannís. Þá er hún meðstofnandi og einn stjórnenda AiXist – Consortium for AI & Existential Risks, stofnmeðlimur Global Youth Security Council (GYSC) og One Young World Ambassador. Kolfinna er með meistaragráðu í alþjóðalögum og úrlausn deilumála frá Friðarháskóla Sameinuðu þjóðanna í Kosta Ríka ásamt því að vera með diplómu í alþjóðlegri leiðtogahæfni. Einnig er hún með Mag. Jur. og BA gráðu í lögfræði ásamt diplómu í Mið-Austurlandafræði frá Háskóla Íslands.


sli.do Q&A og spurningar

„Þróunargallar“ London Futurist

Ögrandi skoðun á því hvernig leitað er að árangurs til skamms tíma á kostnað langtímalifunar - þróunarkenndur "galli" sem útskýrir allt frá eitruðum vinnustöðum til loftslagsbreytinga.

Þetta gæti verið að hluta til lýsing á bókinni sem fyrirlesarinn, Kristian Rönn hefur nýlega gefið út. Bók hans ber titilinn The Darwinian Trap: The Hidden Evolutionary Forces That Explain Our World (and Threaten Our Future).rwinískir englar.

Sjá nánari upplýsingar. Skráning er nauðsynleg, Engineering Darwinian angels, with Kristian Rönn, Sat, Feb 15, 2025, 4:00 PM | Meetup


Markþjálfun vinnustofa: From Adversary to Ally: A workshop

Faghópur markþjálfunar vill vekja athygli á Markþjálfunardeginum og vinnustofum 2025


8. febrúar 2025: Vinnustofa með Paul Boehnke kl. 9-17 í Opna háskólanum í HR

From Adversary to Ally: A workshop


Nánari upplýsingar og skráning hér



Um Paul Boehnke:

My holistic approach to coaching takes our entire being into consideration: our minds, bodies, emotions and spirit. Each of these aspects has important roles to play in our lives. But when we rely on one at the expense of another, we get out of balance and become disconnected from our values, purpose and mission in life.

The Thoughts On Demand™ method not only teaches you what you need to do to reprogram your thoughts and how to do it, but also uncovers the beliefs you hold about yourself and why you do what you do. It’s these last two that make the difference between temporary and lasting change.

You’ll learn:

• What to do when your critical voice shows up.

• To recognize the lies it tells and why you believe them.

• How to alleviate the suffering caused by negative self-talk.

• How to create thoughts that support you.


Nánari upplýsingar og skráning


Markþjálfunardagurinn 2025 - Mögnum markþjálfun til framtíðar!

Faghópur markþjálfunar vill vekja athygli á Markþjálfunardeginum og vinnustofum 2025


Markþjálfunardagurinn verður haldinn á Hilton Reykjavík Nordica þann 7. febrúar næstkomandi kl.13.


ICF Iceland - fagfélag markþjálfa á Íslandi stendur fyrir Markþjálfunardeginum 2025 sem varpar kastljósinu að markþjálfun í sinni breiðustu mynd og hvernig markþjálfar og atvinnulífið geta magnað markþjálfun til framtíðar og nýtt aðferðafræðina til að auka vöxt og vellíðan sinna skjólstæðinga, starfsfólks og stjórnenda.


Ráðstefnan er ætluð stjórnendum, mannauðsfólki og markþjálfum sem vilja efla mannauð, auka árangur og stuðla að vexti manneskjunnar og skipulagsheilda. Fyrirlesarar ráðstefnunnar eru erlendar stórstjörnur í faginu og íslenskir markþjálfar sem hafa verið leiðandi á sínu sviði.

Búast má við að um 150 manns sæki ráðstefnuna. Ráðstefnugestir eru m.a. stjórnendur, mannauðsfólk, markþjálfar og önnur áhugasöm um beitingu aðferða markþjálfunar til að efla velsæld og árangur.

Forsölu á viðburðinn lýkur 10. Janúar og því eru síðustu forvöð að tryggja sér miða á besta verðinu.

Markþjálfunardagurinn er stærsti viðburður ársins í faginu og er hann að þessu sinni veisla í þremur þáttum:

a) vinnustofa, fimmtudaginn 6. febrúar kl. 16-21 í Opna Háskólanum í HR

b) ráðstefna, föstudaginn 7. febrúar kl. 13-17 á Hilton Reykjavík Nordica

c) vinnustofa, laugardaginn 8. Febrúar kl. 9-17 í Opna Háskólanum í HR


Sjá nánar um viðburðinn og verð hér:


Skráning á viðburð fer einungis fram hér:



Þetta er frábært tækifæri til að hittast aftur, tengjast og fá næringu.

Við hvetjum öll að tryggja sér miða og njóta með okkur.


Sjáumst á Markþjálfunardaginn 2025!

Bestu kveðjur

ICF Iceland

Ath! breytt tímasetning Markþjálfun vinnustofa: Coaching Sustainability - The power of story to attract more clients, create greater financial success while increasing your impact

🚨BREYTT TÍMASETNING: Vinnustofa með Lisu Bloom 6. febrúar
Kæru þátttakendur á vinnustofunni með Lisu Bloom,
Veðrið er hverfult og máttugt á Fróni og nú hefur yfirvofandi stormur haft áhrif á ferðatilhögun Lisu til landsins.
Hún átti að koma seinni partinn í dag en flugið hennar var fellt niður þannig að hún kemur ekki fyrr en á morgun. Eins og málin standa núna göngum við út frá því að það muni ganga samkvæmt áætlun, en við þurfum að byrja vinnustofuna kl.18 í stað 16 eins og auglýst var.
Vinnustofan fer fram í stofu M215 í Opna háskólanum í HR.
Boðið verður upp á samlokur, drykki, kaffi og nasl svo við höfum orku til að sitja og læra með Lisu frameftir kvöldi.
Við hlökkum til að sjá ykkur 🙂


Faghópur markþjálfunar vill vekja athygli á Markþjálfunardeginum og vinnustofum 2025


6. febrúar 2025 : Vinnustofa með Lisu Bloom kl. 16-21 í Opna háskólanum í HR

Coaching Sustainability - The power of story to attract more clients, create greater financial success while increasing your impact


Nánari upplýsingar og skráning hér



Um Lisu Bloom:

My goal is to empower you to succeed in your business by finding and leveraging your own powerfully compelling story.

And when I say ‘succeed’, I mean to finally be able to:

articulate what you do in a way that attracts your ideal clients,

get clear and confident about how your business helps others,

achieve what you’re really here to do in the world.

Storytelling is the key to engaging, inspiring, and empowering the people you serve – not to mention making more sales and growing your business.

If you’re not telling your authentic, compelling story, you are not sharing your true purpose with your clients or yourself…and life is too short for that!

If you find yourself drawn into people’s real stories, or you love ‘once upon a time’ type stories, and you want to add that kind of magic into your business, then you’re in the right spot!

Because stories ARE magic. But I’m not talking about kid’s story-time kind of magic. I’m talking about the magic of connecting the gifts you have to the people you want to serve in a real and true way.

I’m talking about the magic of a business that supplies you with the time, money and freedom to create everything you dream of.

And I mean everything!


Nánari upplýsingar og skráning


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