Við ystu sjónarrönd, sóknarfæri eins langt sem auga eygir.../ Hagnýtt verkfæri til nýsköpunar og stefnumótunar
Þann 14. júní kl. 8:30 til 9:30 efnir faghópur um framtíðarfræði til fundar með Andrew Curry. Hann mun á fundinum fjalla um aðferðina til framtíðarrýnis sem nefnist Three Horizon, sem hægt er að skýra Við ystu sjónarrönd.
Aðferðin fjallar um daginn í dag og hvað er við ystu sjónarrönd og hvernig hægt sé að greina sóknarfæri til skamms og lengri tíma.
Verkfræðistofan EFLA hf. ætlar að hýsa fundinn. Allir félaga í Stjórnvísi eru velkomnir.
Aðeins um Andrew Curry á ensku:
Andrew Curry is a Director of Kantar Futures in the London office, where he leads the company’s futures and scenarios work. He combines expertise in this with a strong knowledge of media, technology, and sustainable development.
He has directed a wide range of futures and scenarios projects for both private and public sector clients. These include, for the UK Government Foresight program, Intelligent Infrastructure Systems scenarios (looking at sustainability in the UK transport sector), scenarios for the Sustainable Energy Management and the Built Environment program, for a global client an analysis of the future of resources, as well as a wide range of other commercial sector futures projects, from the future of work to the future of golf.
He also supervises the company’s thought-leadership program, Future Perspectives, and has written or co-written a number of recent titles in this series, including Unlocking New Sources of Growth, The World in 2020, The Future of the Eurozone, and Technology 2020.
Andrew has published a number of articles on futures techniques and issues (for example in the Journal of Futures Studies and Foresight). His co-written paper for Foresight on post-crisis economic scenarios and their implications for aid and development was rated as an “Outstanding Paper” for 2012. Andrew received the top WPP Atticus Grand Prix award for the for his 2012 submission, Unlocking New Sources of Growth: How to find new value in new places. He is a Board member of the Association of Professional Futurists, and has recently edited for them an ebook on The Future of Futures.